Focus and Scope

ABDI KAMI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on publishing scientific articles related to community service activities. The journal serves as a medium for sharing knowledge, experiences, and innovations in various fields of community engagement. It provides a platform for academics, practitioners, and community members to contribute to the development and implementation of community service projects that have a significant impact on improving the quality of life and addressing societal issues.

The journal publishes articles in the following areas:

  • Community Empowerment: Initiatives and programs aimed at empowering communities by enhancing their capacities, skills, and resources to improve social and economic conditions.

  • Capacity Building: Efforts to strengthen the abilities of individuals, organizations, or communities to achieve sustainable development through training, education, and resource development.

  • Social Welfare Improvement: Research and activities focused on improving the health, education, and economic well-being of marginalized or disadvantaged communities.

  • Technology and Innovation: The application of scientific knowledge and technological innovations to solve real-world problems in communities, including rural and urban development projects.

  • Sustainable Development: Community service projects that promote environmental sustainability, resource conservation, and the creation of long-term solutions for community resilience.

  • Education and Community Outreach: Programs that focus on educating the community, raising awareness about important social issues, and promoting lifelong learning and personal development.

  • Health and Well-being: Community health initiatives, public health programs, and activities aimed at improving the physical and mental health of communities.

Article Types:
ABDI KAMI accepts the following types of articles:

  • Original research articles
  • Case studies of community service activities
  • Review articles on community engagement practices
  • Reports on the implementation of community service projects

Target Audience:
The journal is intended for academics, researchers, community practitioners, policy-makers, and other professionals interested in the field of community service and development.