AT TAMKIN : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Is a peer-reviewed periodical journal published twice or twice a year (November and May) by Department of Islamic Community Development, Faculty of Dakwah, Institut Agama Islam (IAI) Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi, Indonesia. AT TAMKIN is a communication tool intended for researchers, academics and practitioners in the field of social development which includes science, theory, social concepts related to Islam, culture, traditions and social structures.

The AT TAMKIN Journal focuses on the theme and topic of Development of Islamic Communities and Social Sciences Paradigms and Theories, including: 1) Management of Islamic Community Welfare. 2) Social History of Indonesian Islamic Society. 3) Development Studies. 4) Culture. 5) Islamic politics. 6) Islamic Geography. 7) Rural and Urban Sociology. 8) Community Development Management. 9) Economic Map of Muslims. 10) Ecology.

AT TAMKIN : Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam uses Mendeley as citation manager and uses Plagiarism Checker & Turnitin as screening for plagiarism.